Electro Music Humans

"Electro Music Humans" consists of two members: Miss Hakani (Heike Nickel), keyboardist and producer, and Dj Storeflore (Dennis Gusta), producer, DJ and mastering expert.

Heike started playing guitar early and expanded her skills on the Hammond organ. She later switched to the keyboard and played well-known songs until the age of 27. She became part of a band and performed at small stage shows until she became a mother at the age of 29. 2020 she met Dennis Gusta, who founded Electro Music Humans in 2022.

Dennis started his musical journey with software on the PlayStation, later switching to other programs and developing his skills to mix his songs as a DJ. After gaining the attention of CueBase FM, he was given his show which aired every Friday. In 2014, he received recognition from Sunshine Live, who occasionally broadcast his sets live. Since November 2023, Dennis has been doing mastering training at Wol-Demaar and has switched from the DAW Bitwig to Logic Pro.

Together they experimented with different genres of music until they finally created the genre of Melodic Techno, which they are happy with and will continue to produce.

Other producers became aware of EMH and offered collaborations. Together they remixed songs like "Cantaloop - Pattern" and "Alfonx - Waiting"

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